STEP 1. Read the information that is cut on site and take notes all you understand about the phrasal verbs.
STEP 2. Browse all the websites that are in the Resources section, taking notes on verbs.
STEP 3. watch the video all about phrasal verbs.
STEP 4. With the knowledge acquired from web pages, develop concept map on the explanation in the video. STEP 5. This document must be created in Microsoft Word and saved with the name of "IDEAS". Attach this
document to the folder you have created on your desktop with your name.
STEP 6. Create the folder "IMAGES" inside the folder we created on the desktop with your name.
STEP 7. Find all realción images with phrasal verbs, specifically converzación examples.
STEP 8. Using Microsoft Word, to answer briefly the questions found in Section TASK. Attach this document
to the folder you have created on your desktop with the name "ANSWERS".
STEP 9. Make a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 10 slides. Attach the submission to the folder that we created in the desktop called "PRESENTATION".
STEP 10. Compress the folder with your name we have created on your desktop and send it to my email.
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